Welcome to Boxxyboards - The OFFICIAL blog. --- "Foar Pocky Frum Boxxy" is uploaded (02/14/12) --- "Foar Everywun Frum Boxxy" reaches a milestone of OVER 10,000,000 views (8/15/11) --- BOXXYBABEE HAS BEEN RESTORED (6/29/11) --- The Chronicles of Rick Roll - A movie featuring ours truly 'BOXXY'. --- BODACIOUSBOXXY is now one of 'Boxxy' Youtube accounts --- LONG LIVE THE LEGEND --- Boxxyboards - The OFFICIAL blog : Jul 1, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011


The long awaited return of BOXXYBABEE has finally come.
With this news many a person celebrated in there own way.
So, where were YOU on the 29th of June?
This day shall go down as a HUGE milestone in a story that began many a year ago.