Welcome to Boxxyboards - The OFFICIAL blog. --- "Foar Pocky Frum Boxxy" is uploaded (02/14/12) --- "Foar Everywun Frum Boxxy" reaches a milestone of OVER 10,000,000 views (8/15/11) --- BOXXYBABEE HAS BEEN RESTORED (6/29/11) --- The Chronicles of Rick Roll - A movie featuring ours truly 'BOXXY'. --- BODACIOUSBOXXY is now one of 'Boxxy' Youtube accounts --- LONG LIVE THE LEGEND --- Boxxyboards - The OFFICIAL blog : 02/01/2012 - 03/01/2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FOAR POCKY (Click to view)

Yesterday, the day of love, shall also be known as the day that our beloved Boxxy made yet another video addressing her eternal love for her long-time friend Pocky.
