Welcome to Boxxyboards - The OFFICIAL blog. --- "Foar Pocky Frum Boxxy" is uploaded (02/14/12) --- "Foar Everywun Frum Boxxy" reaches a milestone of OVER 10,000,000 views (8/15/11) --- BOXXYBABEE HAS BEEN RESTORED (6/29/11) --- The Chronicles of Rick Roll - A movie featuring ours truly 'BOXXY'. --- BODACIOUSBOXXY is now one of 'Boxxy' Youtube accounts --- LONG LIVE THE LEGEND --- Boxxyboards - The OFFICIAL blog : 02/01/2011 - 03/01/2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A new website by Cate?

It has come to my attention that Cate may be planning to create a website and merge it with ILB.

What are your thoughts on this one???
Comment below: (damn I sounded like 2/3 of the YTers out there...)

Monday, February 21, 2011

To, the loyal fans of Catie/Boxxy:

No matter how down and out you may be, do not use Cate as your ONLY source of true happiness. Yes, we would ALL like to think that she is the one for us, but in reality, she is not. I SINCERELY encourage you to talk to someone if, at any point in your life, you decide that someone you have never met is the key to your happiness. There are people that can help you through what you are feeling. DO NOT do anything stupid. This comes from me, and, I am sure, the rest of the Boxxy community. Please, heed this message and take it seriously.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Back around 2008(?), she made two videos for her friends in Gaia, Admiral Awesome and 4nt. The videos weren't that well known and sat in obscurity for a year in youtube. Then, an unknown individual uploaded the two videos on i-am-bored.com. It gained massive popularity there. A person from i-am-bored then uploaded it to 7chan, a similar site to 4chan, but lesser known. Lurkers on 7chan saw the video, then made a "You rage you lose" thread there, daring the watchers to watch it for as long as they can. She suddenly got very popular there, splitting the sides with Boxxy lovers and Boxxy haters.

Months later, the Boxxy phenomena was still strong. It grew to monumental heights when she created her third and arguably her most controversial one, "Foar Everywun Frum Boxxy". Here, she addresses all that was happening. She herself was enjoying all the attention and was supposed to be here to stay.

Soon, every page was littered with Boxxy. Almost every thread on the front page of /b/ was about her. Boxxy haters got mad, so they made a deal with moot. Filter Boxxy, or we will DDOS 4chan. moot didn't budge, so they went ahead and crashed 4chan. It was down for several hours. This is what was called "4chan's civil war".

Although moot put a filter on Boxxy, he lifted it a week later. The DDOSing did not help anything at all. She was the hot topic, and Boxxy haters were furious about it. A group of people called the Center for Boxxy Control and Restriction (CBCR) decided to step in.

Members of the CBCR
Eyrev - CBCR founder
Vodderz - The group's second in command and Chief Investigator.
Redcups: Investigator.
Anon77: Investigator. Hacker responsible for compromising Boxxy's Myspace, Youtube and e-mail accounts.
y0uth: Investigator. Google cache/archive master.
A20Address: Investigator.
GastricPenguin: A remixer mentioned in Boxxy's video, "Foar Everywun Frum Boxxy", who contacted her. He then leaked several of their correspondences.
WTSnacks - Tech expert
Mancini - Investigator/Operative of Operation Hunter.
BBC_Soundsystem - Logger/lurks the *chans for leaks.
Jack - Systems Administrator/tech expert/FTP server admin.
Candlejack - Scapegoat

Through a lot of detective work, they found out much of her information and was able to hack into her Youtube channel. There, they changed the background to red, privatized her three videos and left one threatening her to stop making new videos or else they will release all information about her.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Once upon a time there was a site (that shall not be mentioned in an attempt to thwart trolls) where everything had nothing to do with what it does now.

MORAL: If you are going to make a site and than not plan on being strong enough to defend it from the "hoard", you should at least make plans to take it down etc etc...

Well, now, with that all said and done, All the sites that mean something to someone are protected by its members and by its maker. All the sites that are "changed" in a way that was not intended, are either forgotten or protected by those that "changed" it. ^_^

Whoa, its like a riddle.... -.-

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The site.

Boxxyboards was created by Muzzy.
It started on 1/25/11. From then on, it started to grow at a slow rate. By 2/5/11, boxxyboards had 89 members with the total post count being around 576. 2/6/11 is the day that the forums were comprimised, ALL data was lost.


Boxxyboards is slowly but surely making its way to the greatness that it was before.