Welcome to Boxxyboards - The OFFICIAL blog. --- "Foar Pocky Frum Boxxy" is uploaded (02/14/12) --- "Foar Everywun Frum Boxxy" reaches a milestone of OVER 10,000,000 views (8/15/11) --- BOXXYBABEE HAS BEEN RESTORED (6/29/11) --- The Chronicles of Rick Roll - A movie featuring ours truly 'BOXXY'. --- BODACIOUSBOXXY is now one of 'Boxxy' Youtube accounts --- LONG LIVE THE LEGEND --- Boxxyboards - The OFFICIAL blog : News - another catch up

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

News - another catch up

I am sincerely sorry for the lack of posting.

The Boxxyboards FB page has amassed more then 400 photos.
The Catie Wayne (Boxxy) FB page has been growing steadily. This is now going to be considered the OFFICIAL Boxxy Fan page.
Give the Boxxychan fanpage to its rightful owner will be used to inform of the progress of that switch.

Here is a brief catch-up of happenings around the sphere:

September (2011)

Catie "Boxxy" appears on cam in a crowded TC.

10th - 11th
The admin of /Boxxychan foolishly decides to impose an age restriction, effectively wiping out ~35% of its fans (~25,000).

August (2011)

A video entitled ""Foar Little Kinky Frum Boxxy" is uploaded to Boxxybabee.

The video "Foar Everywun Frum Boxxy" reaches its >10,000,000 view milestone

On a side note:
Though people have left and come back, the community will always be one. "One does not simply walk out of the Boxxosphere." - As dramatic as that may sound, it is true. We, the community, have been through the good, likewise, we have been through the bad; but the important thing is that we went through the good and the bad TOGETHER. Yes, there maybe differing ideas, however, it is those differing ideas that push us forwards.


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